Hamilton College is a private institution fully committed to the ideals of academic freedom, freedom of expression, and cultural diversity. Inappropriate behavior and malicious misuse of information technology resources that in any way degrades the College equipment and services or violates the rights of others in the community is strictly prohibited.
All use of Hamilton College IT resources must comply with:
- all College policies, procedures, and codes of conduct, including those found in the student, faculty, and employee handbooks;
- all laws and regulations applicable to the user or the College; and
- all relevant licenses and other contractual commitments of the College, as modified from time to time.
Hamilton College reserves the right to allocate information technology resources. To accomplish this, the system administrators may suspend or terminate privileges of individuals without notice if malicious misuse or use inconsistent with any College policy or applicable law is discovered. Privileges may also be suspended, without notice, to meet time-dependent, critical operational needs.
You agree to comply with the Hamilton College’s policies and procedures listed previously and the following document:
- User Guide for Library & Information Technology Services – Domains
In addition, you are required to follow the following guidelines and standards:
- You are responsible for both the public and private content contained in your account.
- You are responsible for maintaining your account and the included applications. You are encouraged to regularly check your account to ensure that the applications are working properly and remain relevant.
- Updates and backups should be set to be performed automatically for each application within your account. Please contact a LITS representative (domainsupport@hamilton.edu) for assistance.
- When public comments are supported by the application (e.g., WordPress), you will ensure public comments are manually approved before they are published or that the public commenting feature is removed. You are not permitted to obtain, collect, or otherwise process any information classified as high or restricted, or any other personally identifiable information, as defined by Hamilton College’s Data Classification Policy, on any Reclaim Hosting (Domain of One’s Own) site.
Users who violate these terms, or any Hamilton College policies, may be denied access to the institution’s resources and may be subject to penalties and disciplinary action, both within and outside of the institution, subject to the appropriate enforcement process. The institution may temporarily suspend or block access to an account, prior to the initiation or completion of such procedures, when it reasonably appears necessary to do so in order to protect the integrity, security, or functionality of the institution or other computing resources or to protect the institution from liability.